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  2. Interacting with Comments

How do I report an inappropriate comment?

If you see a comment you believe is spam or otherwise going against site policy, you can easily flag it for our moderation team to review.

Insticator has introduced an enhanced commenting experience with our new commenting product COOL Comments, while some sites may still feature our classic Insticator Commenting. To ensure you're accessing the correct guide, please identify which version you're using:

Not sure which version you're using? No problem! Please refer to our brief guide, "How do I know what commenting version I'm using?", for easy identification and assistance.


Insticator Commenting


1. In order to report spammy or otherwise inappropriate comments, click on the three little dots to the right of a comment to launch the pop-up menu:

Знімок екрана 2023-02-22 о 22.04.25

2. Click on the "Flag as inappropriate" option. A dialogue box will pop up asking you to confirm this action - keep in mind doing so will report the comment and permanently hide it from you:

Знімок екрана 2023-02-22 о 22.07.00

3. Next, the comment will enter the flagged queue for review by our Moderation Team. You won't need to do anything else - if we find the comment to be part of a pattern of spammy or abusive behaviors, the user in question will be permanently banned from the Insticator Commenting platform.



COOL Comments


To ensure our commenting community remains respectful and engaging for all, COOL Comments makes it easy to report comments that may be inappropriate, spammy, or abusive:

  1. Find the comment you wish to report and click on the three dots to the right of the comment to access the menu:
    report a comment 1

  2. From the menu, select 'Report this comment':
    report a comment 2

  3. You will be prompted to select a reason for reporting the comment. In this step, you also have the option to add additional comments to provide more context. Once you've made your selection and added any necessary details, click 'Report':
    report a comment 3

  4. The comment will then be flagged and sent to the Moderation Team for review. The team will assess the comment against the community guidelines and take appropriate action if it is found to be in violation.

By reporting comments that do not adhere to the community standards, you help maintain a positive and welcoming environment for all users on the Insticator Commenting platform.