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  2. User Accounts & Profiles

What is an Insticator User Profile and where is it displayed?

Unlock the full potential of your Insticator User Profile for a richer commenting experience. Learn how to manage settings, track your activity, and engage with the community effortlessly.

Insticator has introduced an enhanced commenting experience with our new commenting product COOL Comments, while some sites may still feature our classic Insticator Commenting. To ensure you're accessing the correct guide, please identify which version you're using:

Not sure which version you're using? No problem! Please refer to our brief guide, "How do I know what commenting version I'm using?", for easy identification and assistance.

Insticator Commenting


Your User Profile on the Insticator Commenting platform is a central hub for monitoring your commenting activities and interactions, as well as managing your account settings. It offers a comprehensive view of your engagement within the community.

Accessing Your User Profile:

To view your User Profile, simply click on your username within the Commenting Unit and select "Profile."


Here, you can explore:

  • Your earned reputation points, the total number of comments and replies you've made, the number of followers you have, and the number of reactions your comments have received.
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  • The "Recent Activity" section, where you can review notifications for new comments, replies, reactions to your comments, and updates on users you've blocked or unblocked, as well as activities of those you're following.
    1.0 profile activity

  • The "About Me" section allows for the management of your account settings, including changes to your password, email, username, profile picture, and more.

    1.0 profile About Me

  • The "My Experience" section, where you can enable or disable email notifications.
    1.0 profile My Experience


COOL Comments


Your User Profile serves as a central hub for viewing your commenting activity, interactions with the community, and managing your account settings. It's where your engagement on the platform comes to life.

Accessing Your Profile

To access your profile, click on your username and then "View My Profile."

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Managing Your Account Settings

You can manage your account settings, including changing your username, profile picture, email, and password. You can also enable/disable email notifications or delete your account by clicking on the Settings button at the top of the page.

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Profile Tabs

Your profile includes three main tabs, each offering a different view into your interactions:

My Profile

About Tab

The About tab displays your information, stats, and activity on the commenting platform. It has several sections:

  • Stats: Displays the Kudos you've earned, a detailed breakdown of your interactions, and the reactions you've received. Track your status progression and review achievements for specific actions, like posting a total of 100 comments or receiving 10,000 total reactions.

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  • Story: Allows you to share a more personal look at who you are with the community. Add details such as your bio, occupation, places you've lived, accomplishments, and interests to enrich your social interactions.

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  • Activity: Review your own activity, including comments, replies, reactions, follows, blocks, and mutes.

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  • Articles: Showcases a list of all the articles where you've left comments, allowing you to easily revisit past discussions.

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Notifications Tab

Here, you'll find notifications about replies, reactions, follows, and more, keeping you updated on the community's engagement with your content.

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Community Tab

The Community tab helps you manage your social interactions on the platform. It has the following sections:

  • People: Check who you're following, who's following you, and whom you've blocked or muted.

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  • Activity: Shows the activity of people you are following.

    Community Activity UPD

Whether you're exploring your user profile for the first time or you're a seasoned commenter looking to manage your settings, your Insticator User Profile is your gateway to a richer, more connected commenting experience.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance navigating your profile, our support team is always here to help. Reach out to us at commenting-help@insticator.com for any inquiries or support needs.