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  2. Email Notifications

What kind of email notifications will Insticator send me, and when?

Our system sends out notifications to let you know when other users have interacted with or responded to your comments.

Insticator has introduced an enhanced commenting experience with our new commenting product COOL Comments, while some sites may still feature our classic Insticator Commenting. To ensure you're accessing the correct guide, please identify which version you're using:

Not sure which version you're using? No problem! Please refer to our brief guide, "How do I know what commenting version I'm using?", for easy identification and assistance.


Insticator Commenting


To help keep the conversation flowing, we send you email notifications to alert you to responses left to your comments by other users and/or site moderators. In order to access the article page on which you left your comment, view the response from another user and be able to reply directly, simply click on the "Click to Reply" button displayed within the email notification you received:


Your comment has been replied to - testymctesty11@gmail.com - Gmail 2023-03-23 21-14-29

You may also receive an email notification from our system in situations where your account has been banned by our Moderation Team or the moderators who manage a site you are on, for violating community guidelines or moderation policies. 



COOL Comments


Insticator is committed to enhancing your commenting experience and ensuring you stay connected with the community. To achieve this, we send out various types of email notifications from no-reply@insticator.com, keeping you informed about activity on your account and interactions within the commenting platform.

Here's what you can expect to receive:

  • Account Updates: Notifications about important changes made to your account, such as account creation confirmations, successful password or email address updates, or notifications if your account has been suspended for violating community guidelines.

  • Comment Replies: Alerts when another user responds to your comments. These notifications include a "View or reply to comment" button, directing you straight to your comment on the page, facilitating easy viewing and direct responses.

    reply notification

Managing Your Email Notifications:

We understand the importance of controlling the notifications you receive. If you find that you'd like to adjust your email notification settings, you can easily do so. For guidance on disabling notifications, check How do I disable email notifications? 

If you're experiencing issues with not receiving email notifications as expected, our article on troubleshooting email notifications can offer help I am not receiving any email notifications for my comments. What could be the problem?


Need Further Assistance?

Should you have any questions about your email notifications or any other aspect of your experience with Insticator Commenting, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at commenting-help@insticator.com. We're here to help ensure your time within the Insticator community is enjoyable and rewarding.